
There’s some serious power available for brands on LinkedIn. Not only does the platform give you some of the most direct social media access to decision-makers in various industries, but it’s also THE place for humble bragging. Let’s show ‘em what you’re made of.

We could spend a lot of time on a strategic plan for your company page, but we’re going to focus on your brand’s secret weapon: your people. Leveraging employee brilliance is the savviest way to build raving fans for your brand on the platform. Share this quick and easy optimization checklist with your team to help increase your company’s reach overnight!

  • Profile Picture
    400×400. Waist-up shot that shows some personality encouraged!
  • Background Image
    736×1104. Pro-tip: your creative team or agency could create on-brand background images for all team members to have some uniformity. 
  • Headline Copy
    Use your headline to display your current job title + company, mission statement, passions, or specialties. 
  • Position / Experience
    Make sure your title is current, and that your current position is linked to your business’ page.
  • Industry
    Signify the industry you work in your Intro section. 
  • Location
    Use your profile to to show where live or where your company is based.
  • Audio Introduction
    Use the name pronunciation feature for a 10-second elevator pitch. Record on your phone or with a real mic on your computer.
  • Profile URL
    Change the auto-populated profile link to your name to help with Google search.
  • Join Groups
    Identify relevant groups to join the conversation in your brand’s industry, with those in similar positions as you, or where your prospective clients may be.
  • Content Plan
    Make a maintainable plan for sharing personal content with the goal of positioning yourself as an expert in your field. Plan to post 2-3 times per week. Focus on topics like what you appreciate about your job, what’s happening in the city you live in, the ways your company is giving back to the world, and your general expertise. You are creating User Generated Content for your brand’s page to share!

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