This Emmy award-winning campaign for Oklahoma State University targeted prospective students, current students, parents and alumni, sharing the message that OSU is more than just a university. The campaign appeared during nationally televised football and basketball games, as well as on local media. The accompanying “Are You A Cowboy?” quiz was successfully shared via social media and on OSU owned channels, creating an enthusiastic “how orange are you buzz”.

Cowboy Quiz
Our Cowboy Quiz was a fun, simple and interactive way to promote Oklahoma State University to the public.
You’re in a traffic jam and the car
beside you forcefully tries to cut in line. You…
- Hug the person’s bumper in front of you.
- Pause in line to allow them entrance.
- Get out of your car and direct the traffic jam so that it starts moving.

The only thing orange about you are the Cheetos crumbs on your fingers. Just for kicks, You should do the exact opposite of what you would usually do.

When you bleed, it’s the brightest orange. It’s blindingly orange. It’s an orange that could burn a retina. Be honest, is this OSU President Burns Hargis?